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Online earning Tips


How to Earning  online  money

1:This video, I show you how to earn $5 every  60 seconds for typing words, which is one of 

the easiest ways to make money online. How  to do it? We’re about to find out. This is, 

2ঃhow to earn money online for typing words!  Also, only a small percentage of people that 

3ঃwatch my videos are actually subscribed. So  if you end up getting value out of this video, 

4ঃconsider subscribing with notification on, it’s  free and you can always change your mind later. 

5ঃIn that way, I will notify you whenever I have  a new and fresh strategy to make money online, 

6ঃso you can be one of the first to use  it. Thus, of course make the most money.

7ঃStart typing words while sipping your favorite  coffee and get paid for up to $300 per hour. 

8ঃYou just have to make sure that you're doing it  right. However, if you don't feel like typing, 

9ঃyou can just copy and paste it if you like. Keep  on watching as I show you exactly how to do it. 

10ঃPlus, this website’s registration is completely  free, you don't have to pay anything in advance 

11ঃand you don't need any writing experience. This  can be done on your smartphone or computer. And it 

12ঃdoesn't matter if you have an Android or an iOS  device, you can still do this from anywhere in 

13:the world. Now right before I explain you how you  can do this. Comment down below, I am from blank, 

14:a.k.a. your country. In that way, I will know  exactly where you're from. So in the future, 

15:I can make sure that every single video I release  is meant for you. So drop your country’s name in 

16:the comments down below. And don't forget, I’ll be  giving special bonus tips that will allow you to 

17:earn double or even triple more money compared  to other people. So make sure to stick around 

18and keep watching all the way until the  end. Now let's get back to the video.

19:The very first step is for you to go to this  very important site which is

20:where you can take a 60 second typing test. When  you get to this site, click on Typing Tests and 

21:you'll be taken to this page where you can  see Check your typing skills in a minute, 

22:Type away to join 150+ million test takers. So  you can select one to ten minutes test and then 

23ঃselect text sentences or words that are extremely  crucial. I'd like you to login and select the one 

24:minute test and medium text options. The  best part is you can do this conveniently 

25:on your smartphone. As you can see, you can start  typing by clicking on start test. Then they have a 

26:timer right here for one minute and they'll  measure how fast you type. So for example, 

27:if I start typing certain words, the timer will  start running and they'll show me how fast I type. 

28:Now, if you go back to the homepage and click on  Typing Courses, they will give you a free training 

29:to help you type faster. The reason for this is  that in this video I will show you few websites 

30:that can make you money by simply typing. And the  faster you type, the more money you make. Now I’m 

31:going to show you those websites where you can  earn money online by simply typing. So this is 

32:going to be the very first website on our list.  So as you can see right here, $1.25 per minute. 

33:Now let's head over to an online calculator and  let's do the math. So that’s $1.25 per minute, 

34:and if you type for 60 minutes or one hour,  you can make $75. If you type for three hours, 

35:you can earn $225. And if you type for five  hours, you can earn up to $375 for simply typing. 

36As a result, this is truly a once in a lifetime  opportunity. This is a very legitimate website 

37:that has been trusted by over 170,000 people  from various industries all over the world.
38:Site this website is called Now I want you to  head over to their homepage. As you can see here, 

39:transcription is $1.25 per minute, Captions are  also charged with $1.25 per minute, and Foreign 

40:Subtitles range from $3 to $7 per minute. It's  actually an edge if you're from a foreign country. 

41:For example, if you're from India and no  Hindi subtitle is available, you can help 

42:them translate the videos from English to Hindi  or Hindi to English. This is where you can earn a 

43:lot of money. So as you can see here, $3 to $7 per  minute. Now let's see how much money you can earn. 

44:On average, you make roughly $5 per  minute, which means you can earn $300 

45:per hour by simply translating videos to foreign  subtitles. Now if you're still starting and don't 

46:speak foreign language, I'd suggest starting with  video transcription. I guess $1.25 per minute 

47:is more than enough. So right now, when you scroll  down to the bottommost part of this website, 

48:you can see here Freelancers. When you click it,  you'll be taken to this page where you can see Rev 

49:Freelance Jobs that have a work schedule that is  extremely adaptable. You can pick and choose among 

50:hundreds of jobs and you'll get paid regularly on  a weekly basis. The best part is you will receive 

51:your money on-time and in a reliable manner. But real quick, if you guys are enjoying this 

52video in which I’ve put a lot of time and energy  to actually do, I would really appreciate it 

53:if you guys tap the like button and make  sure you subscribe with notification on. 

54:And if we get 2000 likes on this video, I’ll  drop a brand new video next week to show you guys 

55:exactly how to make even more money online doing  basic stuff like this in the comfort of your home. 

56:Now let's get back to the video. Now moving on to the second website on our list 

57:is, which you may also join for  free. When you go to their homepage, you'll notice 

58:a few career opportunities. You may type and earn  money online such as transcription or translation. 

59I'd like you to focus on transcription because  this one pays the most. As you can see here, 

60:they have the industry’s best rates, with earning  starting at $15 to $22 per audio hour and

61:monthly earning of $2,200. It's really amazing.  Now let's head over to an online calculator and 

62:let's do the math. So that’s $22 per audio hour,  and if you do it for five hours, you can earn 

$110. But this one pays less than So I  advise you to set aside some time and join 

63:because it's a superior option. However, if  you want to build multiple streams of income, 

64:you can join both and  Now, to join, just go ahead 

65:and click on Get Started and you'll  be sent to a page where you may join. 

66:What's great about this website is that you  can do it from your phone or your computer, 

67:and they have very flexible work hours and  timetables so you can work at your own pace. 

68:The best part is that they offer you two to  four minute clips only, so it's absolutely not 

69:lengthy at all. Just imagine if you spend  half an hour transcribing, or even an hour, 

70:you’ll also be earning much. All you  have to do is enter your first name, 

71:your last name and your email address. Make sure  to put your real email for the confirmation link 

72:for your account activation. And then you can  create your password and confirm it right here. 

73: that, enter your PayPal account where they  can send you the payment. Always have the time 

74:to check your email because they will send you  verification details about your typing speed, 

75.because they will sometimes ask you what your  typing speed is. This is where 

76:becomes handy. So in order to know what your  typing speed is, in terms of words per minute, 

77:you can take a typing test on this website. After  taking the test, you’ll see your results right 

78:away. Now all you have to do is take a screenshot  of the result and send it to them via email. 

79:So this is your typing speed and you can improve  or even double it by joining some Typing Courses 

80:on this website. By doing so, you’ll have more  job opportunities. Now if you want to make even 

81:more money, then you need to watch this video  right here, for you to discover how to earn free 

82:PayPal money by just opening an email, which  is one of the best ways to make money online.

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